In case of any uncertainties, questions or problems, you can contact CUSTOMER SERVICE, who works every day from 9AM to 9PM (after Riga time), tel. +371 29905050, e-mail:

You can find out about EU rail passenger rights here.

1. General provisions
1.1. The website (hereinafter the Site) and ticket sales through the Site are provided by SIA "BEZRINDAS.LV", reg. No: 50003855851 (hereinafter referred to as the BezRindas).
1.2. Bezrindas sells event tickets at the request of the Organizers and in the interests of the Organizers, and is not entitled to determine or change ticket prices and sales rules, including seating arrangement, hall capacity and other parameters.
1.3. The rights and obligations related to the tickets are determined and announced by the Event Organizer, and Bezrindas assumes no responsibility for the content or fulfillment of these rights and obligations. Bezrindas is not a representative of the event organizer or any other person responsible for the content, quality, information or advertising of the event.
1.4. By accessing and using the Site, viewing any section or fragment thereof and using any of its functionality, you agree to the BezRindas Privacy Policy.
1.5. By making purchases of tickets, you (hereinafter the Buyer) certify that you have read and agree to these Terms of Use. In case if additional specific terms have been published for the purchase of some tickets, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these additional terms.

2. Purchase and settlement procedures
2.1. When making a payment, the Buyer confirms the conformity of the purchase content with his / her will.
2.2. The payment must be made within 10 minutes of the ticket selection, otherwise the ticket booking will be cancelled and the Buyer may not receive tickets. If this situation arises, the Buyer can contact the Bezrindas customer service: tel. +371 29905050, e-mail:
2.3. The use of the Site services and the purchase and delivery of the ticket may be a subject for commission payable by the Buyer. For different tickets this commission may vary. The size of the commission depends on the agreements closed with event organisers and other parties involved in the process of service delivery.
2.4. When purchasing a ticket, the Buyer may choose to receive additional services, for example, the delivery of an SMS ticket to the Buyer's mobile phone for which a service charge is due. Charges for additional services are shown by choosing those services.

3. Procedure for returning, changing and refunds of event tickets
3.1. Event tickets are not refunded or changed.
3.2. In case of cancellation of event, suspension or the change of its venue, all responsibility to Buyers, return of money or change of tickets is carried out by the organizer of the event. BezRindas liability is not assumed in this case. Commission fees and additional service charges are not refunded.

4. Procedure for returning, exchanging and refunding transport tickets.
4.1. Transport tickets can be returned in the Transport Ticket Return section of the Website, if more than 2 hours remain until the departure of the flight from the starting stop of the route.
4.2. Bus tickets can also be returned in person to the administrator of the hall of JSC “Riga International Bus Terminal”, if more than 2 hours remain until the departure time of the flight from the starting stop of the route.
4.3. If a bus route is canceled, bus tickets can be returned by sending a request and the ticket to or in person to the administrator of the hall of JSC “Riga International Bus Terminal”.
4.4. When returning tickets for Latvian domectic bus routes, the Buyer can receive a refund of 75% of the ticket value.
4.5. When returning tickets for international bus routes, the Buyer can receive a refund of 80% of the ticket value.
4.6. When returning train tickets, the Buyer can receive a refund of up to 75% of the ticket value.
4.7. If the transport route is not performed due to the carrier's fault and the Buyer returns the transport ticket, he may receive a refund of up to 100% of the ticket value.
4.8. The money for the returned tickets will be refunded to the Buyer's bank account within 7 business days.
4.9. The commissions and payments for additional services do not apply for refunds, except in the case of cancellation due to the carrier's fault.

5. Personal data processing rules
5.1. In order to ensure the operation of the site and the provision of full services, BezRindas as personal data controller carries out processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments. For contacts with BezRindas for the processing of personal data, use the contact information of BezRindas specified on this page.
5.2. The processing of personal data on the Site is controlled and supervised by a certified personal data processing specialist Juris Dilba, with whom you can contact by e-mail:
5.3. BezRindas performs the following personal data processing:
5.3.1. the purchase of data for the purchase contract (buyer's e-mail address, IP address, purchase time, payment details, purchase content) and possible subsequent identification of the buyer's and purchase content if such need arises, as well as in compliance with the accounting and record keeping obligations in the regulatory enactments . Personal data entered on the Buyer's Site shall be kept for half a year from the date of the event or the completion of the bus trip to which the ticket was purchased, and then this data is deleted from the site's active database.
5.3.2. The processing of personal data of Registered Users of the Site to identify users and provide them with the benefits of Registered Users of the Site, including the following data: email address, registration time, IP address, and social networking information when a registered user has attracted social networks to identify users and provide them with the benefits of Registered Users of the Site. In the event that registered users of the site delete their registered user profiles, BezRindas will delete the personal data specified in the profile of these users.
5.3.3. the processing of personal data for persons who have submitted a request for information about the site's newsletter, which includes the e-mail address, login time, IP address. For these persons, BezRindas regularly sends information about the news to the indicated e-mail address until the relevant persons refuse to receive newsletters. Anyone can refuse from receiving news updates at any time. In this case, the news is no longer sent and the person's email address is deleted.
5.3.4. the processing of personal data of various competitions, stock and lottery players in accordance with the procedure and rules for realization of the particular shares.
5.3.5. cookie storage and processing in accordance with the Cookie Terms.
5.3.6. the processing of personal data in the correspondence provided by customers and users to the Site's customer service in order to ensure the provision of full answers in sequential correspondence, if any, which includes the maintenance of the user's e-mail address and the maintenance of the contents of the e-mail.
5.4. In order to ensure the receipt of bus services by the owners of bus tickets purchased on the Site, BezRindas, in accordance with the requirements of the Riga International Coach Terminal, the VSIA "Road Transport Directorate" and the requirements of bus and coach operators, transfer the passenger data entered on the site to SIA "BTI", which is the central bus services and ticketing management system The owner of the "Baltic Lines" and the Passenger Personal Data Manager, so that these passengers can be identified in the ticket control process before receiving a transport service. Passenger data will be deleted from the active database of the Site half a year after the completion of the respective bus journey.
5.5 With the consent of the ticket buyers, according to the requirements of the organizers of individual events, BezRindas sends personal data of the ticket purchasers or visitors of the event to the organizers of the specific events acting as such personal data managers and these organizers are fully responsible for complying with all the requirements of the regulatory enactments regarding the processing of personal data. In some cases, the purchase of event tickets in accordance with the requirements of the organizers of events is obligatory for the entry and transfer of data of visitors to the tickets or events to the organizers of the specific events, in order for these event organizers to fully ensure the course of the event, to inform about possible changes in the course of the event or with the consent of the individual purchasers of the tickets - also to inform about similar events and actions related to the events organized by them.
5.6. BezRindas transfers personal data for processing to law enforcement authorities in the manner prescribed by regulatory enactments and processing of cookies by other processors in accordance with the rules of use of cookies.
5.7. any person has the right to request the use of Browser's access to their personal data and their correction or deletion or restriction of processing, and has the right to object to the processing of their personal data, as well as the right to transfer their personal data.
5.8. Every person has the right to file a complaint with the personal data processing supervisory authority provided in the Republic of Latvia by the Data State Inspection.
5.9. the provision of personal information to the Site is determined in accordance with the Site Terms of Use, purchase agreement or on the basis of a person's wish to receive any services or facilities offered by the Site. In the event that a person does not wish to provide his or her personal data in the above cases, a situation may arise that the Rack can not meet the needs of the person and / or provide a ticket purchase service.

6. Responsibility
6.1. The buyer is responsible for the correct input of the Buyers and the ticket user data by the purchase. When entering incorrect data, the ticket may not be delivered or the person may not be allowed to enter bus or event.
6.2. BezRindas does not assume responsibility for lost tickets and situations where tickets are made available to third parties by the Buyer's fault. Responsible for these situations is the Buyer.
6.3. BezRindas is not responsible for the content and quality of the event. The event organizer is responsible for the content and quality of the event. The name of the event organizer is indicated on the event ticket.

7. Special provisions for the purchase and use of bus tickets
7.1. The bus ticket does not include any insurance and baggage costs.
7.2. On domestic bus trips in Latvia, a passenger must present a printout of the ticket, an SMS ticket, an electronic ticket on the screen of a smart device or be able to show or accurately name the ticket code when boarding the bus. Otherwise, the bus driver is not entitled to take passengers on a bus. In this case, neither the value of the ticket nor the commission, nor the fees for additional services are refunded.
7.3. BezRindas is not responsible for the quality of passenger transport services. Buyer with claims regarding the quality of the transport service may apply to the carrier.

8. Events and their advertising output procedure on the Site
8.1. The home page of the Site displays large advertising banners (hereinafter Banners) related to events available on the Site or services provided by the Site.
8.2. Banners are added and ranked based on the following criteria:
• Payments made by event organizers for event promotion
• Event popularity
• Intensity of buying event tickets
• Time of events
• Timeliness of Site services
8.3. The home page of the Site displays information about various events added to the Site. The purpose of the output of these events is to show Site visitors the variety of events available on the Site, emphasizing the latest and most popular events, as well as highlighting events for which the organizers of advertising events have paid according to the price list of the Site services.
8.4. The main event ranking parameters on the Site's home page are as follows:
• Payments made by event organizers for event promotion
• Time to add events
• Event popularity
• Intensity of buying event tickets
• Time of events
• Randomization

9. Other rules
9.1. All disputes and disagreements are solved between both sides, but if no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be resolved by the court of Republic of Latvia according to the place of registration of the BezRindas.
9.2. BezRindas has the right to cancel any purchase if there is a suspicion of the alleged fraudulent nature of the transaction or the use of any other person's billing information.
9.3. BezRindas reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at any time.